The 10 Essentials

When you go out on a hike you never know what might happen on the trail even if you are out for a short period of time. Someone could fall and get hurt. There is always the possibility of getting lost. Any number of unexpected things can happen in the great outdoors. Therefore: you should always pack the following items in your backpack and always double check before you head out on the trails.

  1. Navigation: you have to know where you are. Many times, there is no cell phone service while out hiking in more remote areas. Map, compass, Gps devise, personal locator beacon or satellite messenger
  2. Headlamp: plus, extra batteries. If you are caught out after dark now you can safely navigate back to your vehicle
  3. Sun block
  4. First aid you never know when someone is going to fall or get stuck by a cactus(ouch)
  5. Knife
  6. Fire (matches, lighter)
  7. Shelter (carried at all times). You don’t have to have a tent. But if you get lost and caught overnight you can carry an emergency bivvy. These are lightweight and a will save you from the cold
  8. Extra food
  9. Extra water
  10. Extra clothes
By |2022-04-04T14:54:01-07:00March 23, 2022|Hiking|0 Comments

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