Outdoor Training2022-03-31T10:10:39-07:00


Outdoor Group Exercise and Outdoor Personal Training

We are currently in a pandemic. Senior-Focused Fitness is all about health! Exercising indoors with other people currently is not a healthy practice even in the most sanitary situations. Therefore, I offer outdoor exercise in a group setting or a one-on-one setting through beginning and advanced hiking and neighborhood walks. I truly believe to be outdoors is the most natural and beneficial type of physical activity.

There is mounting evidence that that outdoor exercise provides an array of beneficial responses ranging from improved cognitive function and enhanced cardiac function to reduced levels of circulating stress hormones. (Calogiuri et al., 2015; Grazuleviciene ., 2015; Barton & Pretty, 2010) I focus on attaining improved physical health through outdoor activity. I also bring a variety of equipment to every session to focus on strength and flexibility that can be used outdoors.

Outdoor exercise classes may be cancelled due to rain and not available during the hottest month of the summer except in early mornings or at higher elevations

Group Pricing

Group exercise = $35 per person per session. Usually, a session will be about an hour. However, some sessions may be many hours if it is an advanced hike.

Personal Training Pricing

Single Sessions

30 minutes $50
60 minutes $85

Package Pricing

Package of 8 60 minute sessions $640
Package of 12 60 minute sessions $900

Contact me to get started!


Outdoor Group Class Training Schedule

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