Senior Hydration

If you are like me you probably plan your driving in accordance to how much fluid you have consumed. Its just a fact of life that as we age we have frequent urination. The recommended intake of water for older female adults is 2.7 liters and 3.7 for older men. This is the amount of fluid needed to replace normal daily losses and prevent dehydration. We need more than that if we are exercisers. My own personal trainer told me that I personally need to drink about a gallon a day!!! What? So, basically, he’s telling me I will be living in the bathroom to prevent dehydration!! Many of us do not have an adequate intake of water due to a variety of reasons. We feel less thirsty as we age, the kidneys are less effective at concentrating urine leading to excess water loss in urine, medication side effects as well.  So, its hard to achieve this level of hydration. As a result, many of us are dehydrated! These are some strategies to help with adequate fluid intake throughout the day.  

  • Always have a water bottle on hand and take frequent sips even though you are not thirsty 
  • Soups make excellent snacks and contain a lot of water!!
  • Drink a full glass of water with your medication
  • Drink water before and after you exercise
  • Drink water first thing in the morning!  
By |2022-04-07T18:56:18-07:00April 7, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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